Sunday 11 November 2012

Something to think about...

Anyone else heard this? Saw it on Twitter? - Because that's where I found it, and I find that it's very true.

All I've ever had to do when I'm upset, angry, stupidly happy or tired I can just put on my iPod and my mood will instantly change, it's something that I've always been able to depend on no matter what the situation is.

From a young age music has meant the world to me, it's the reason I get up on a morning, the reason I am writing to you now, I'm happy living for music and I'd be happy to die for it. I know that whatever happens in my life I will end up back to music in the end, it has changed the way I think about myself, the people around me and even the world. It's a magical experience, getting into music, an experience I hope never ends.

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