Tuesday 13 November 2012

1. Help!

This is my favourite song of all time hands down. Lennon's first call for help and also Lennon/McCartney's first none love song, correct me if I'm wrong. I think a lot of people have been able to connect with the song at one time or another - a reason why I love it so. The song in whole was the first sign that the Beatles weren't just going to be some love sick mop tops, this was the first time I think people really realised their potential as serious musicians (not that they're earlier work wasn't fantastic). From Ringo we expect the usual from him; just making a beat in the back because they need it and not really expressing himself, and although we do hear a lot of it in this song there are small bursts of Ringo energy in there with the odd drum roll and the tight patter on his snares. Then we hear McCartney's input with his soft twang on his bass that hits you right in the gut, those descending three notes that will want to make you replay the song over and over again. It is just a work of art.

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