Friday, 20 April 2012

My First Album

The day you buy your first album is a big day, it's that first sign of being independent enough to make your own decisions. My first album was Stop The Clocks by Oasis, I was twelve years old and just beginning to get into music. I usually went shopping with my dad on a Saturday, I had £8 pocket money to spend and usually I was buying DVDs, but that week I wanted to buy an Oasis CD. It was in the middle of HMV, in Middlesbrough, on the right hand side of the aisle of rock and pop and a big pink sticker with '£7' was slapped on the case, I checked the track listing and noticed that most of my favourite Oasis songs were printed on it. I already had '(What's the story) Morning Glory?', 'Definitely Maybe' and 'Don't Believe The Truth' but these two discs held extra Oasis songs that I hadn't yet heard. I held it tightly in my hand and my dad told me to go and pay for it whilst he went out for a cigarette. It was the first time I had been to the till by myself, the man at the till shouted "Next" and I slowly walked up to him, my money in my left hand and my CD in my right, lifting them both up to him, carefully he took the CD and smiled at me "Good choice" was his comment as he scanned it in. 
When I got into the car, on the journey home, I took immense pleasure out of torturing my dad with turning the volume up as loud as it would go as I listened to 'Stop The Clocks'.

Everyone remembers the first album they bought, most even remember the first single they bought. It's a big step in a kid's life when they hold up that album and think "This is what I want to spend my money on." It's a memory that appears to be dying out among the younger generation of ITunes kids, to keep the tradition alive I'd love to hear and post about your first album.

Catch me on my email; 
Let's keep this experience alive!

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