Monday, 28 November 2011

Now That's What I Call Underrated Music.

Oasis - Idler's Dream
Now, this week will be a week of underrated songs for you all to listen to and enjoy, maybe even get you listening to new music, though I know the majority of my readers are Oasis fans so you're probably all aware of 'Idler's Dream'.

I wanted to talk about it because it's one of my favourite songs of all time, it's so different from any other Oasis song which is a great thing for the band seen as though they are usually accused of being a bit 'same-y'. I love it because of how powerful it is, it shows that one man and his piano can create immense beauty by just creating a sweet sounding piano riff and with just a little help from reverb we get a subtle echo that is almost ghostly. It's one of those songs that really hits the pit of your stomach, you know the ones where you have to take in a deep breath halfway through and you get that warm feeling in your stomach? One of those songs.

Noel Gallagher talks to his soul mate through the song, asking her not to 'break his heart of stone' and to never leave him alone. He tells her how much she means to him, that she makes his heart skip a beat and I think, lyrically, it's the most beautiful of the Oasis collection. Whoever this girl is, she’s special.

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