The old debate, what's better Vinyl or Digital? Well personally I prefer buying Vinyl's and have so far only ever bought three songs on Itunes, and that's because the artist didn't actually have a CD in the shops. Technically speaking Records are better, due to quality because it is an exact recording of the song, that's why it sounds so much more... what's the word?.. cleaner, I suppose, you can hear what's going on more. Digital is the worst quality of sound you can get though it's impossible to tell. A CD will be something like 35MB per song, what the computer does is cut everything out that isn't needed to make it a more reasonable 3MB, whereas Vinyl has nothing cut out of it - it's exactly how the musicians intended it to be heard.
Conveniantly speaking Digital is better, you can have hundreds upon hundreds of albums on a very small and light iPod that can be carried in your pocket, I struggle to carry twenty Records down the stairs but with my iPod I can carry millions of albums without even breaking into a sweat. Also you have to have a record player to listen to records, most of the time you have to be somewhere with electricity too to plug it in, unless you have a portable - which seem to be a dying breed. I could live in the desert for a day and have music to keep from boredom via my iPod or phone. So in this sense it is digital that is superior.
But! I have one last argument for the Record and this one is for the more creative and artistic people and this is the cover art. Now digital has the tiniest picture in the world, I have to squint to see it if I don't have my spectacles on but when I've got a Record in my hand I can see every detail, it's all so beautiful. And for me that is solely why the Vinyl always wins, apart from the fact that I know somewhere where you could buy Donovan's best of for £1 whereas on iTunes it costs £7.99.
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