As I've explained before; I'm going through a huge Damon Albarn buzz at the moment, with all this excitement of his new album. I love the man, I think his voice is great - it's not the most amazing voice, nor the most distinctive, but it's memorable - I know that I can remember each time I've listened to Blur, I just get taken away by that voice of his, it's so soft and calming but then it can change into something high energy that can get you pumped for anything. The way his voice softens when he holds an acoustic guitar in his hands is beautiful, it's what the voice of Albarn suits in his older years, none of that high energy 'Song 2' stuff - it's not something he can pull of anymore but still we love to hear him sing it, don't we!?
Albarn has a very strange and mystical was of telling stories through his lyrics, which is shown more through his later years with the Gorillaz and now on his solo venture with 'Dr Dee'. In the early days of Blur his lyrics echoed the works of the Kinks, telling tales of what it is to be British and young - making the nineties audience feel patriotic again. We need that back, I do love his weird tales of manatees and apples but we need Albarn to have us feel proud to be British again, which will happen.
I know it will, Olympic Ceremony? I think so.
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