Saturday, 29 October 2011

Musician of the week. 29/10/2011.

Johnny Marr.
Johnny Marr, the man who had me first pick up a guitar and give me the inspiration to learn it. I can't explain what it was about seeing Johnny live on some old re run of TOTP, the Smiths were on playing 'This Charming Man' (strangely enough I found out that this is what had Noel Gallagher pick up the guitar too, strange...), I just couldn't take my eyes from Johnny, he had this amazing charm and charisma about him and he just seemed at one with his guitar - I wanted a piece of that. If I had to really sit down and explain to you how talented Johnny Marr is it would take so long that the clock would run out of numbers, I'd have to sit down for a few days and right a full out speech and really concentrate on every song he's ever played on because I feel safe in saying that he is on top form with every act from the Smiths, to the Healers and Modest Mouse too.
He is the riff king, Morrissey's lyrics would never be the same without Johnny standing at his side welcoming him into the song with a jangle on his guitar. I tip my hat off to you Mr Marr.

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