LAST night hit blackout for Middlesbrough, Empire was also affected and no one knew if the Courteeners were going to be able to play.
Then, all of a sudden the power was back, and all the power that was lost made up for the energy that the Courteeners brought to the stage.
I've hit Empire a lot in my time, especially for live music, but I have never seen such a phenomenal performance as I did last night.
Liam Fray is charming, charismatic and when he gives you a wink and smile you can't help but feel like a little fan girl.
He has a stage presence that we've missed since the Gallagher brother's split, maybe it's the Manchester roots that causes this but any Manchester band, past and present, should be jealous of the musical talent of this band.
The crowd were going wild for them, I've been at festivals that have had a calmer atmosphere.
Fray lapped it up, mentioning that it was their anniversary of playing at Middlesbrough, "So where's my fucking present?" he asked us all.
Now, I've never written a cliche before, but it was Liam who brought the gift to the Middlesbrough crowd.
With a setlist ripping, stripping and roaring songs from their latest album "Anna", any Courteeners fan could have easily sang all the words to every song played.
The roof exploded when their most famous hit, 'Not Nineteen Forever' was played to an ace standard, it was hard to believe that these boys weren't offered the Newcastle Metro Arena to play.
Bigger things are going to happen for the Courteeners, and if they don't I will eat my hat.
Watch out for the revolution.
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