There's nothing like last minute plans, especially when it's to see a band. That night, it was probably one of the only times I would agree to go out half an hour before we were actually going out, and I am so glad that I decided to go out.
Palace were, in one word, amazing. My good friend Dan, who invited me along, told me how good they were as we drove to Middlesbrough, but I didn't expect anything on this sort of level. After just coming back from supporting Maximo Park guitarist Luke Cowley mentioned it being a bit of a come down to be performing in pubs and clubs again, but for me this was a massive highlight. The first time I've ever seen them, this was a massive high for me because I'll always remember it as the day I fell in love with Palace, and regained my love for local bands again.
Not many bands can get away with three guitarists, but Palace had it working in their favour and apart from a couple of technical cliches this was an awesome gig, one of the best I've been to in a very long time. My favourite of their set was 'Loose Tooth', a future anthem for music lovers across the world. It's never happened where I've got the butterflies from a song written and performed by a local band, but 'Loose Tooth' made my smile, it gave me those butterflies. And so I leave you with 'Loose Tooth', enjoy.
Great review, you've summed up exactly what I thought when I first saw Palace and I'm an old gadgie (well 42!)