Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Lady Gaga? No thank you.

Ah yes, ranting mode is in full swing today and the ranting stick is pointing at the biggest annoyance in the pop world. Seriously, Lady Gaga? Gaga? - What does that even mean? I actually can't understand her, my main problem is the hype surrounding her because I know that musician wise she is average, at best. When asking people why they think she is so amazing I usually get these two replies;
1. 'She's so unique'
2. 'She writes her own music'

I'm sorry but all musicians should write their own music, that's what makes a musician special to people - the fact that they may feel the same way as what you do but even with Lady Gaga you can't get that feeling unless you genuinly do want to take a ride on someone's disco stick. And my reply to the first answer is no, no she is not unique - there is a difference between unique and bloody stupid, Freddie Mercury was unique, Elton John is unique. Lady Gaga is like Freddie and Elton pushed together in a horrible mess, not taking any of their song writing abilities.

I've listened to Lady Gaga's albums, and I still can't see why she is seen as such a brilliant musician. All the songs sound so much alike, there is hardly ever a change in instrumentation - there's hardly even a change in instrumentation from other songs in the charts. And the lyrics? I'm sorry but no, never can you compare 'And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make' (Beatles) to 'And baby when it's love, if it's not rough it isn't fun' - to me she just sounds like she's desperate for someone to have sex with her, it's all she talks about.

I don't like Lady Gaga, I really don't and I don't see the point in her - she's not doing anything great for the music world and she's an idiot - seriously watch an interview with her in it, she's stupid, don't mistake sweetness and shyness for stupidity - if she was shy and sweet she wouldn't go around wearing the insides of a cow with a crab on her head.

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